What is an Elliot Machine Colonics?
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History of Elliot Machine Colonics:
Elliot Machine Colonics is a type of colon hydrotherapy machine invented by Robert Elliot in the 1980s. This machine is also known as a colonic irrigation machine, which is used for cleaning the large intestine.
Working Principle of Elliot Machine Colonics:
An Elliot Machine Colonics irrigates the colon with water, using a pressurized system. The water flushes out toxins, waste material, and harmful bacteria from the colon.
Advantages of using Elliot Machine Colonics:
- Digestione migliorata
- Alleviamento della stitichezza e della diarrea
- Disintossicazione del corpo
- Aumento dei livelli di energia
- Funzione del sistema immunitario migliorata
The procedure of Elliot Machine Colonics:
The procedure involves the insertion of a small, sterile disposable speculum into the rectum, which is then connected to the colonic machine by a disposable tube. Water is then introduced into the colon, which stimulates peristalsis or natural rhythmic muscular contractions that move fecal matter and bacteria out of the colon.
Who needs Elliot Machine Colonics?
Elliot Machine Colonics is beneficial for people who suffer from:
- Stitichezza cronica o diarrea
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Acne, skin problems or bad breath
- Nebbia mentale e scarsa memoria
- Bassi livelli di energia e affaticamento
Applications of Elliot Machine Colonics in Industry:
Elliot Machine Colonics is widely used in the following industries:
- Terme e centri benessere
- Cliniche mediche e ospedali
- Ambulatori di salute naturale e medicina alternativa
- Centri disintossicanti e programmi di perdita di peso
- Centri di preparazione atletica e di medicina dello sport
If you require more information about Elliot Machine Colonics, please contact us via email, WhatsApp, or leave a message.
Sale Cousultant : La signora Lucia |
Consulente di vendita : Mr Mark |