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How many treatments do I need? What is the cost?

How many treatments do I need? What is the cost?
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    how many treatments do i need colon hydrotherapy

    How many treatments do I need? What is the cost?


    A normal colonic session lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. The cost per session is US$50-120.00. To begin with, most clients will have two consecutive colon exams (i.e. one on a Monday and the second on a Tuesday). By having the first two sessions back to back, clients will be able to hydrate the affected faeces and potentially release more faeces. Each client is a unique individual with unique needs. There is no mandatory number of sessions. If required, I can help you to tailor a program to meet your needs.


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    Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
    Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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